The Barrier of Perfection

I have been diligently avoiding my blog.  My lofty ambitions of the Perfect Blog with weekly updates that are informative, thought provoking and inspirational have fallen by the way-side.
My problem, of course, is that I want to be part of the Blogging Elite.  I want to run before I can even crawl at a consistent pace. I read wonderful blogs from Kim Cofino, Tony Twiss and Nick Rate and imagine myself as a leading educator in the web wide community.

Blogging is such a wonderful tool for making connections, gaining an instant audience and receiving valuable feedback from colleagues I want to be part of it NOW …(am part of the so-called Y-Gen).
Yet, these 21st Century benefits are the precise reason I avoid adding to my blog.  People will read my blog, they will analyse my thoughts and ideas, they will tell me what they think … they will judge me? 🙁

Everything I publish on to the web will be available for all, for ever!  What if I change my mind, will I be perceived as indecisive?  What if I get it wrong, will you think me uninformed?  What if I make a spelling or grammatical error, will I be dismissed as uneducated?  And how on earth does one come up with an engaging topic week after week!  Wow, I sound neurotic!

So last night I came to realise two important concepts: a) to start small and be consistent – I will not strive to write a novel once a term, I will write an excerpt once a week and b) focus on the purpose – I started this blog to help improve my own practice, not for the approval of others.
So here goes … (this post only took me half a day to compose … a record ;-P)

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A New Zealand Principal, living in Taneatua. Where's that you say? Just Google IT!

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